Tuesday 13 October 2015

World Mental Health Day 2015

Saturday was World Mental Health Day. 

It seems that there is a day for everything now.  Which is not necessarily a bad thing, although there is increasing danger of Day Fatigue.  Still, mental health is an extraordinarily important issue and one that is not always easy to talk about or to understand.

Depression is not glamorous.  It is not even, usually, dramatic.  It is invidious and draining and unrelenting, like a thick, pale fog.  And it is incredibly hard for those who suffer from it to explain it to other people. 

This is probably one of the loveliest, truest and best things that I have ever seen written about mental health and how it affects not only the sufferer but all those around them.  It popped up on my Twitter feed at the weekend and the original can be found here.  There is nothing else that I need to add.

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