Tuesday 21 August 2018

I am not a butterfly

Did you know that butterflies don't eat?  Basically, a caterpillar spends its entire time scoffing itself silly, then it goes into a chrysalis and then, when it emerges as a butterfly, it has so much fuel in reserve from its earlier indulgences that it doesn't need to eat at all and can just focus on the business of procreation. 

One wonders why it doesn't work the same way with fat humans.  I mean, if you've eaten an excess of fuel such that it is stored on your arse or your thighs or wherever, surely you should be able to just stop eating and make use of your stores without any detriment to your health.

There is a point to this, honest.  And the point is - I really hit a wall this weekend, and, for the first time since the last of my latest WW campaign, found things tough going.  It wasn't an issue with hunger or food, more that I just felt absolutely drained of any energy whatsoever.  We set off for a walk first thing on Saturday morning and every step felt like an effort, where the previous weekend it had been easy.  I had a nap on Saturday afternoon.  Then I had an early night.  Then I had a nap on Sunday afternoon followed by another early night.  I was the Incredible Sleeping Woman.

Because worrying is one of my favourite hobbies, I immediately started worrying that I was coming down with some sort of terrible sleeping sickness.  But then I actually decided to use my brain a little bit and considered that:

 a) I am eating a calorie restricted diet at the moment, thereby reducing the amount of fuel that I am taking in and
b)  I am upping my activity and thus increasing the amount of fuel that I burn and
c)  I am not a butterfly.

Clearly, I do not wish to spend every weekend in bed.  Well, I sort of do - not for nothing is the sloth my spirit animal.  But it is sort of nice to go out and do stuff.  So I'm going to monitor the situation.  If things don't improve then obviously something needs tweaking - either I need to eat more or I need to eat differently or maybe scale back on the general steps and concentrate my energy on finishing the Couch to 5k programme.  That may, of course, mean that my weight loss slows down, which is absolutely fine - I'd rather half a pound a week* but sustainable in the long term than get to goal by Christmas** and pile it all back on again by Easter.

*Feel free to remind of this when I lose half a pound at my next weigh in and moan about it.
**Not going to happen unless I literally lop off several limbs, but you get my point.


  1. Or, you could have just been feeling a bit off and needed to stock up on sleep?? Sometimes you just feel under par. I find that the more regular exercise you do, the easier it becomes. I would recommend that you stick it out for a bit before you scale back.... Lxx

    1. Yes, definitely! You are very right and I am certainly not going to make any immediate changes, just keep a watching brief for now and be ready to tweak if needs be. To be honest, since my primary goal here is health, and improved fitness is such an important part of that, I’d rather eat a bit more if I do need a bit more in the tank, than cut back on the moving. x

  2. Could have been biorhythms or some such. I bet even a load of calories wouldn’t have made you feel sprightly.

    Hope you perk up soon

