
Saturday 15 June 2013

The scales are a cruel and fickle mistress

But not today.  Today I lost another 2.5lbs.  I should add that I successfully managed to sleep through my official weigh in - a permanent Saturday alarm has now been set to ensure such muppetry doesn't happen again - so that this result comes from my rather funky-hot-pink-home scales.  But, since they were in line with the less-funky-more-functional-looking-WW scales last week, I think it is acceptable to take their word.

I had a secret goal in my head to be into the next stone bracket down before we head off for a few days break in Scotland, which I achieved.  Since we don't like to bandy numbers around on this blog, let's just say that I've moved from MAYDAY:0.5 to YIKES:12.  HAPPY:10 is still a long way off, but these kind of little milestones do help.

If I can maintain this week, I'll be more than happy.  I'm going to be taking my pedometer away with me and plenty of walks are planned, but, equally, some indulgent eating - not least a dinner in Glasgow's Ubiquitous Chip which I am thoroughly looking forward to and can't wait to share with you.  More importantly than the food though, I am hoping for some real quality time with D.  We are coming up to the time when we have to decide whether or not we want to be a proper couple again and, at the moment, things feel good - I hope this trip confirms that.  I mean, how could you fail to feel romantic staying here?

Photo credit:


  1. Good luck and have a great time. Cheers

  2. You sound really positive and cheerful which is fantastic.

    I hope you have a wonderful time in Scotland, the caravan looks brilliant and I'm drooling just thinking about the the Ubi Chip!

    I'm also envious of 2.5lbs off but hopefully I'll join you in losing ways very soon.

    Lesley xx

  3. Congratulations on keeping loosing the weight, that's ace :) I am now properly jealous of the gypsy caravan so cute!

  4. Whoooo and indeed hoooo! 2.5 off is cracking. Well done that lady. You are clever.

    Despite being from Glasgow I have never been to the UC. I've only heard good things though.

    Hope you're having a belter of a time. x
