
Monday 10 June 2013

MPM: 10th June 2013

Well, I said in my last post that I needed to get back into meal planning, so here we go.  A tentative toe in the water. 

I'm pleased to say that, following the outpouring of optimism last week, I lost two and a half pounds at my weigh in on Saturday morning.  And I'm equally pleased to say that, at the time of writing (Sunday afternoon) I have still not succumbed to any wobbles or wibbles.  Another good week prior to our trip to Scotland would be a real boost.

It's a bit of an odd one though, this week, since I'm staying with D for the first couple of days.  I have an exam on Wednesday (which I may have mentioned once or thrice) and, following a bit of a meltdown in which I told him that I was going to eat WORMS and then FAIL the exam because I had NO-ONE to make me tea or mop my fevered brow, he *ahem* thought to invite me.  So he was in charge of meal planning for the first couple of days - but luckily he is a well trained estranged husband and picked two of my absolute favourite dinners. 

Wednesday - exam day - I am playing by ear.  I have a book group meeting in the evening so hopefully there won't be too much rocking in a corner.  Saturday I've left unplanned as well - but I'm thinking it will be a post weigh in pre holiday pizza (pointed, of course).  And Sunday, it's off to Glasgow and dinner at The Chip.

Rest of the meals look like this:

  • Salmon fillet with pasta pesto
  • Pan roasted chicken breast with lemon couscous and asparagus
  • Chilli con carne burrito with salad and minted crème fraiche dressing (x2)
More meal planning fun over at Mrs M's.


  1. Will be thinking of you this week lovely, hope D looks after you well.

    (btw, it's probably my warped sense of humour but I found "well-trained estranged husband" rather funny....!)

    Love xxx

  2. Best of luck with the exam. I have my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Good luck with the exam!
    Everything sounds delicious!!

  4. Mmmm salmon and pesto, great combo!x

  5. Good luck! The chicken sounds lovely.
