
Monday 24 October 2011

Meal planning Monday 15 (and some pre trip excitement)

A short week for meal planning. It is D’s birthday on Sunday, so Thursday onwards will find us down in the Big Smoke. We’ve got some exciting stuff planned; lunch at Simon Rogan’s pop up Roganic (we’re huge fans of his Lake District restaurant L’Enclume so have high hopes for this) and a Vinopolis tour which includes absinthe sampling (hic!) We’re also planning to try and have supper at Polpo, although since they don’t take evening bookings this is not yet guaranteed, and are hoping for a last minute deal on tickets for Death And The Maiden at the Pinter Theatre. Oh, and a trip to London wouldn’t be complete without saying hello to the Tate Modern, one of our favourite places to while away an hour.

It’s funny, I grew up a half hour train ride away from the centre of London and yet I probably see more of it now that I go as a bona fide tourist. Having an amenable brother with a spare room and a good beer collection makes it pretty easy to go and visit. Still, I never visit without a very, very, infinitesimally small pang that I’m an outsider in a city I once considered my own. I always thought I’d end up there, you see, with a little flat in some up and coming area and an Oyster card and a membership of the British Library. Well, I have an Oyster card, but it spends most of the year languishing in my wardrobe.

Anyway, we digress. Sunday’s plans post drive back are still a bit up in the air, but that is not to say that we can’t organise Monday through to Wednesday, especially since two dishes got bumped from last week’s plan.

Monday: Tonight we’re having rabbit in a mustard sauce - or, lapin à la moutard. We were supposed to be having this yesterday but neither one of us got round to marinating the rabbit. So Bugs is currently sat in the fridge slathered in two types of mustard, salt, pepper and a little dried thyme.

Tuesday: Lamb seekh burgers with a minted yoghurt dressing.

Wednesday: Spag Bol (again, bumped from last week.)

As always, head over to Mrs M’s blog for more meal planning fun.


  1. I'm always ridiculously squeamish about eating bunnies. It's the whole eating a pet thing....

    Hope you enjoy your London trip. LOVE that you know more about food here than I do (and I live in London!)


  2. i know what you mean about being an outsider...i've only been away for 6 months and I felt totally weird being back the other weekend...caught myself saying things like...oh i know where we are now...If dinner falls through on Saturday, Nopi takes reservations...not quite the same but still trendy!! And enjoy the Tate Modern...siiiigh :)ps short meal plan week here too!!!

  3. Peridot - had I ever had an actual pet bunny I probably would feel differently. As it is, I would never eat hamster or cat :-) Rabbit is delicious though...

    As for the restaurant knowledge, that comes from hours of vicarious blog reading (from both of us!) Plus, the national press doesn't tend to pay an awful lot of attention to what is going on outside London.

    Victoria - thanks for the tip, will check Nopi out!


  4. I'm another who can't bring myself to eat rabbit. Not sure why that is!

    Hope London was as good as it sounds!
