
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Wedding Cupcakes

I couldn't resist sharing these with you - just when you thought all the wedding stuff was over and done with!

These are our wedding cupcakes - and aren't they pretty?  The cerise gerbera daisies on top match the bridal flowers exactly, and, although you might not be able to see exactly from these photographs, the frosting was sprinkled with edible glitter.  Very kitsch, very adorable.

We made up our mind a long time ago that we preferred individual cakes to one big one.  Aside from anything else, both of us have something of a morbid fear of posed photos and we knew that if we had a full on wedding cake someone would try and get a picture of us cutting it.  These fitted the bill exactly - and we invested in some clear individual cake boxes so that people could take them away and marvel at their beauty in the comfort of their own home. 

And what is especially, especially nice was that our lovely friend and former colleague E made them for us entirely free of charge, even though she wasn't actually at the wedding.  Weddings are expensive things, and as the planning progresses you become inordinately grateful for any little savings it is possible to make; this was a major saving and not a whit of compromise was required for which I am incredibly grateful.


  1. Actually there haven't been nearly enough wedding posts (have just scrolled back to check I didn't miss any!)! But cakes look lovely - nice to see.


  2. They do look amazing... and I agree with Peridot - more photos would be very welcome :)


  3. Yep - more piccies.

    Those cakes look cuteilicious and very original!!

    Lesley xx

  4. They are gorgeous!!! More wedding-ness please!!!

    Lex xxx

  5. These look great. Congrats! x

  6. They look fantastic! We had a proper cake and sure enough we were made to pose by it..... and cut it with a giant sword. You had a lucky escape...! ;)
