Monday, 6 October 2014

MPM: 6th October 2014

I seem to start the first Meal Planning Monday of every month by going, "Wow, [insert appropriate month name here].  How did that happen?"  So I was determined not to do that this month.  But, OK, October, really?  It just doesn't seem likely.

Aside from anything else, if it's October then it means that we've had this little one for six whole months!

And she's still alive!  And thriving in a furry, purry sort of way.  Although D did wake me yesterday morning to inform me that "my" cat had been sick downstairs but that there was no need for me to get up immediately, he could ignore it for a little while longer.  Thanks, D.  And, indeed, thanks Minx.

On to meal planning.  Both of us must recently have had a slow day at work since we have sketched out a tentative plan not only for the rest of October but also November as well.  People, that is how much my husband and I like to think about food.  This week:

Sweet chilli glazed salmon with cucumber "pickle" and wild rice

Chicken and leek pot pies with mash

Mushroom risotto

Coq au vin

Roast beef and all the trimmings

That leaves one night for soup and one night D is taking over the kitchen - dish tbc he informs me.  How very exciting.

More meal planning fun over at Mrs M's.


  1. Your chicken and leek pot pies sound delicious. We've got a kitten who we have had for 5 months. They are lovely little animals :-) x #mealplanningmonday

  2. All of that sounds absolutely delicious, fab meal plan!

  3. The Sweet chilli glazed salmon sounds amazing as does the rest of your meal plan! Have a good week x

  4. Ha ha I have a cat situation with my partner too - always mine, never ours! Great meal plan, love the beef and coq au vin!
