Monday, 5 May 2014

MPM: 5th May 2014 - a plethora of pasta

On Sunday, D is running the Leeds half marathon so I offered him carte blanche with regards to menu planning this week so that he could tailor his meals to meet, athletic needs.  You will notice that we have ended up with a menu groaning under the weight of a thousand carbs.  I.e. there is an awful lot of pasta.  Fortunately, I adore pasta and so am more than happy to eat it every night.

Tonight and tomorrow it's a lasagne - made in the classic British rather than Italian style, so relatively few layers but tending towards the slightly stodgy.  This to me is the very epitome of comfort food, being a dish that my Mum cooked often when I was growing up.  The meat sauce is in the slow cooker as we speak and is packed full of veggies and that will then be layered up with a nutmeg scented, cheesy Bechamel and pasta sheets.  I'll do a salad on the side as well.

Wednesday - soup night.  Nuff said.

Thursday - mushroom risotto - NOT pasta but very nearly.

Friday - Pan fried salmon fillets and pasta pesto with courgettes and peas

Saturday - Classic spaghetti carbonara - and I may make some pre-race garlic bread as well.  I think that should be a thing, don't you?

On Sunday we'll be ditching the carbs in favour of a post half-marathon barbecue - the current plan is a spatchcocked chicken marinated in lemon, garlic and olive oil and some pork belly and red pepper skewers with salad accompaniments.

More meal planning fun over at Mrs M's.


  1. Everything sounds fab! I do love pasta x

  2. The lasagne sounds delicious - I might have to put that on the menu plan for next week!
