
Tuesday 4 January 2022

New year, same old foodie

I sometimes find it hard to believe that I've been burbling away to myself in this little corner of the internet since 2010. So much has changed in that time - and, as the saying goes, so much has stayed the same. Last year was the lowest volume of posts since the blog began, and I think the majority of those were talking about meals we ate out. And I still haven't told you about our trip to Roots in December. 

I won't make any promises to blog more -I've given up on anything vaguely resembling a New Year Resolution. But it would be nice to keep this ticking over, if just because it is a lovely thing to look back on and enjoy foodie memories, whether they be at home or abroad. 

I hope all of you out there in the ether had the happiest, most peaceful of Christmases and wish you all the best for 2022, whatever that means for you. I'll be back soon to do a rundown of some of my top eats of 2021. Please try not to fall off the edge of your seats.


  1. Hello lovely Seren. I haven't blogged for an age so you're well ahead of me. I was so sad to hear that Paul died. Poor Peridot. So heartbreaking. Nothing really new at this end but going to try to blog some more because I miss it. Merry New Year!!

    1. And hello lovely Lesley - so nice to hear from you. Absolutely terrible re P, poor love is going through an awful time. Would love to see you back blogging, I miss your beautiful photography! Happy (belated) new year to you and the whole family.
