Monday 23 July 2018

MPM: 23rd July 2018

Happy Monday my loves! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had such a pleasant Saturday: a mooch around Harrogate in the afternoon, followed by a WW friendly dinner with my parents. My sweet Mum researched WW friendly dishes (she’s a Slimming World gal herself and looks wonderful on it) to help keep me on track and in doing so introduced me to spiced, roasted chickpeas which could well be my new favourite thing (and zero point to boot).

So hopefully I am on track for a good result at this week’s weigh in - and by good result I mean any sort of movement in the right direction. Unfortunately, I’m out for lunch today because a member of my team is off to pastures new. How selfish that he wants to take a proper leave of us. And even more selfishly, he has picked a Chinese restaurant which is not brilliant for Weight Watchers. I have pored over the menu and picked what I hope is the least bad option, which I reckon will be around 18 points.

For meal planning purposes then, I’m assuming that I’ll be on dust when I get home tonight, and Saturday sees us out with my brother and sister in law. Sigh - yet another week where I’m going to have to navigate a restaurant menu. Elsewhere, we have turned to the early days of this blog for inspiration:

Tuesday: oven baked chorizo and red pepper risotto - it’s been ages since we had this old favourite.

Wednesday: pissaladiere - ditto. Despite the pastry, this only works out at 11 points a portion, so there may be some scope for some little cubes of roasted potato on the side.

Thursday: I’m potentially out all day at a meeting, so quick and easy is in order, and what could be quicker and easier than filled pasta tossed in butter, black pepper and Parmesan.

Friday: pan fried tuna and wasabi egg sandwich. Sounds odd, is absolutely delicious.

Sunday: Merguez burgers with houmous and roasted peppers

Have a good week all!


  1. Well it doesn't look like you're on a diet!! I have no energy at all for cooking so supper going to be a salad I think!! Snooooze.... Fingers are crossed for your weigh in!! Lxx

    1. I know, which is definitely the aim! Although I am eating very lightly during the day - lots of fruit and salads to accommodate relatively "normal" evening meals. At some point, things might have to get a little bit more diet-ey... :(

  2. Tuesday and Wednesday sound spectacular. I’m definitely going to make that risotto now I’m back on carbs!

