
Friday 9 March 2018

Head - meet sand

I'm avoiding the scales for a few weeks.  Possibly because I've not been feeling 100% lately (I remain in terrible thrall to a delicate digestion and it is becoming rather wearing), the fact that the scales have remained stubbornly static is making me disproportionately annoyed and upset.  So I am giving myself permission to back off for a while.

In times like these, my mind turns to alternative methods of dieting which would get me to where I want to be a little quicker than this circuitous journey on 5:2.  I starting Googling the Keto Diet* the other day (high fat, low carb), flicked back through our Dukkan book and wondered whether I could combine 5:2 with 16:8 (which would mean on non-fast days only eating within an 8 hour window).  But I think, actually that I just need to give my head a wobble, to stick to what I'm doing, to up the exercise and to concentrate on the fact that I've found something that works (albeit slowly) and has improved my relationship with food a hundredfold.

*Anyway, if I started on an eating plan that allowed me to eat unlimited cheese I would literally end up TURNING INTO CHEESE. 


  1. Very wise to step back to prevent you becoming disheartened. Keep your powder dry and all that. Hope the tummy settles down soon. Lxx

  2. I am the poster girl for complicated diet combinations - and I am decidedly not the better for it. Hope you feel better soon and that the SoD starts behaving.

