
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Weight Watchers update: August 2015

Image from
I knew that when I got back from Scotland I was going to have to face the scales.  And, not only face them, but enter into battle with them. They're still set to kilograms so actually, the number itself isn't particularly painful because I don't have the slightest clue what it "means".  Nevertheless, you don't have to be a genius to work out that it's too high.

For the last fortnight, I have been tracking...sort of.  That is to say, weekdays have been pretty solid and then it's all gone a bit pear shaped at the weekends.  Still, the good must have outweighed (ha, ha) the bad because I have lost 1.6 kg in that time.  That's 3.5 lbs which is not too shabby at all!

It is my intention to post monthly updates on here noting overall loss (or gain), number of days on track and any favourite recipes, meals or products that have kept me going.  It's good to be accountable and the lovely folks of blogland have always been incredibly supportive.  I am not setting any particular goals at the moment.  There are four months left in 2015 and if I could just be lighter at the end of them than I am now, I will be perfectly happy.

I have reset my weight tracker so that my new starting weight is my post Scotland, August 2015, figure.  I had been resting on earlier laurels for too long.  I need to draw a line and start, unequivocally, on a new chapter of the story.


  1. Well done on the fortnight's loss, 3.5 lbs is a great achievement! And good luck for the next push too, hopefully I'll be right there with you. x

  2. 3.5lbs is amazeballs! Well done!


  3. Well done you and keep it up chuck.

    What you said about being lighter by the end of the year is exactly what I want too. So I had better get my fat ass in gear eh?! Lxx
