
Monday 10 February 2014

Meal planning Moanday

Last week I wrote that I had been really enjoying my food, blah blah fishcakes, positivity abounded. This week I’m feeling a bit more…subdued. I’m closing in on a three stone loss since October last year, but, I must admit, the novelty has most definitely worn off and some days last week felt like a bit of a slog. A meal out on Thursday night and a decent loss on Saturday roused me up slightly, but I’m definitely just trying to get through one day at a time at the moment. Which is fine – there are going to be periods where things are a bit like that and doggedness rather than finesse is what is required.

I think my main goal for the remainder of February is to try and start some sort of exercise routine. Nothing too strenuous by any means (I am nothing if not intensely lazy), but I know from experience that there are few things more helpful to fight against mild dolour (is that an oxymoron?) than a bit of movement. Also, that there are few things that one feels less inclined to do when one is feeling sluggish and grey and sulky. Which is precisely why one should do them.

Onto eating. Dinner party on Saturday (if it goes to plan it is going to be top notch and I can’t wait to share some pictures with you! If it doesn’t go to plan then my parents will be eating takeaway fried chicken from the end of the road) which means Sunday will be a light, leftovers kind of a day. Tomorrow I’m out at my book group so I’ll be grabbing a quick sandwich beforehand. One night will be soup night (that’s a thing now). So three days left to plan…

Chicken and leek pot pie, celeriac mash

Smoked salmon bagels with Valentines fizz, possibly followed by Gu chocolate pots if points allow

More meal planning fun over at Mrs M’s.


  1. It's hard to think of anything, when you're feeling a bit bleugh, isn't it. Good luck with your dinner party x

  2. valentines day sounds lush bagels - i haven't had for ages! i know what you mean when you have no get up and go im feeling that this week with my weight loss xx

    1. Awwww, I hope your get up and go comes back soon. I definitely am blaming the horrible weather at the moment, can't wait for lighter evenings.

  3. sounds lovely, a pie always sounds great in winter!

    what is celariac like? I imagine it to be like artichoke. don't know why?!

    have a fab week

    Claire :)

    1. Celeriac is gorgeous! Texturally it is similar to potato or turnip, so quite creamy when mashed, but with a very faint taste of celery. I don't really like celery raw, but this is much milder. I mix it half and half with potato for mash or puree which works beautifully.

      I can't remember the last time I had artichokes...makes mental note...

  4. I love celeriac mash! It's my favourite 0 points mash, although I have recently discovered butternut squash mash and carrot and cauliflower mash.

    1. I have never tried BNS mash - which is odd as I've done everything else with the poor thing. Will have to give it a go.

  5. I definitely think you can fall out of love with dieting - but then boom, you're back in the honeymoon phase again. Topical similes you'll note.....!

    What are you reading in book group?


  6. We've just done "Tropic of Cancer" - it did NOT down well with group which at least made for amusing discussions! This month though it's "Oscar and Lucinda" which I'm very much looking forward to reading.
