
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Weigh In Wednesday: 22nd January 2014

Weeks 1-16: -31lbs
This week: -3.5lbs
Total loss: 34.5lbs

I think I might have to make these posts monthly. While I love the accountability aspect, there are only so many ways that one can write "I stood on some scales. They read a number that represents the force of gravity on my, in relative (although not actual) terms insignificant, person. I was happy/sad (delete as appropriate."

But yes, a good result this morning. Half a pound more and I'll hit the two and half stone mark. One pound more and I'll be into a new stone bracket, which is always a nice milestone.

My daily points allowance is reducing at a rate of knots though. I lost another one this morning. I'm going to have to start being a lot more savvy with my choices - I'm already feeling quite hungry quite a lot of the time and if there is one thing that my brief flirtation with fasting taught me it is that I am not nice to know when I am hungry.


  1. you are doing fantastically! I know what you mean about posts though, I, too, wonder if mine are too same-y 'ate too much, put on weight, felt sad, decided to start over, restricted, lost weight, felt happy…..and repeat!

    1. :-))) Well, I guess that is the nature of weight loss and weight loss blogs - we're not going to be winning any literary prizes but we may end up thinner...

  2. congratulations! That's a huge achievement. If only I had a little bit of your motivation.

    1. Thank you Gabby, and if I could work out how to bottle motivation and spread it around then believe me I would - aside from anything else, you can bet your life that I'll be needing a shot in a month or two.

  3. One word... MACHINE!

    Here are some more words.... Holy crap, you are on FIRE! So pleased for you. Do keep the weekly posts coming - I like hearing all about it (nosy). x

  4. Ooh a new stone bracket - that's the best! You are amazing....


    1. I must admit the only thing that comes close to seeing that new number on the scales is the shiny silver sticker that you get on your card for hitting another half stone off...

      I'm not even joking! I mean, when am I going to grow out of liking shiny stickers???
