
Monday 25 November 2013

A rough approximation of a meal planning Monday

I may have kept on top of the diet and the blogging this month but I can't help thinking that the list of blog post titles, alternating as they do between meal planning and weighing in, make for rather dull reading.  Note to self: must do better.

There is excitement to come this week.  At the weekend we are travelling down South.  The primary reason for this trip is so that I can meet my brand new niece.  However it seemed foolish, foolish I tell you, to miss out on the opportunity to see if we could get a reservation somewhere nice and we managed to secure a table at Story, about which I am terribly over excited.  We would have liked to get to Dabbous but it still seems to be very difficult to get a reservation unless you are...I dunno, the Pope.  Or hold incriminating photos of the maĆ®tre d'. 

But as for the rest of it, the meal planning, that is less exciting.  D is currently 5:2-ing and we've found the easiest evening meal for these nights is soup.  And then he's away with work for two evenings so I will be eating tuna pasta because I love it and he doesn't see the point.  I think I need to do some more research around meals suitable for fasting to spruce things up a bit - any tips as to good online resources would be much appreciated.

As always, more meal planning fun over at Mrs M's.


  1. I am also 'trying' to lose weight but it is all a bit half hearted at the moment and my partner is doing the 5:2 diet , I find lots of lovely recipes from Karens' wbsite she has sections of yummy food for the 5:2 diet

    1. That's brilliant, thank you! I'll check it out.

  2. Tinned Tomatoes also has some veggie 5:2 ideas. You can also filter the BBC Good Food Website by number of calories. I don't think I could do it, so good luck to him! I am however, going back to Weightwatchers tonight as I think I need to a bit of damage limitation, or at least see what the damage has been!
