
Wednesday 16 October 2013

The sound of silence. And a weigh in.

So, from the lack of any update on this blog, you may be forgiven for thinking that after last week’s stellar result at the scales I proceeded to upend myself into a vat of chocolate Baileys (has anyone tried this yet? Report if so, I have very high hopes!) But, no, despite consuming slightly more wine than was good for me at York races on Friday, I have kept on keeping on. I have even been restrained in the face of cheese which, dearest Reader, is a victory in itself.

The scales’ verdict tonight? Another pound off making ten in three weeks. I am closing in on the one stone mark - once I'm there I think I'll really believe I am doing this!

I had all these high hopes that once the Annus Horribilus was over then things would all spring back to normal, but the truth is, it is taking a little time. And it was naïve to ever expect otherwise as both D and I are going through a period of transition. I’ve moved in to a new house and am still finding my feet and trying to get over feeling like a guest in someone else’s environment; he, meanwhile, is having to deal with his space being invaded by an individual with a propensity towards mess and clutter. We have two houses worth of furniture to amalgamate and sort through. Plus, I’ve had weird working patterns the last couple of weeks as I’ve been preparing for an exam. So all in all it is little wonder that we haven’t yet had the chance to get into a properly established routine. I have started to actually cook meals though, which is good, and there is fruit in the fruit bowl and milk in the fridge and I’m learning to lunge for the teapot rather than the corkscrew when six o clock comes round, so all the pieces are coming together. When you see a Meal Planning Monday post from me, it is then that you will know that I’m there.


  1. Great result Seren. Good luck with the settling in process

  2. A lb is a lb and Rome was not (re)built in a day. Well done, I'm jealous. I've lost waaaay more than 10lbs this summer but sadly it is the same couple of lbs being gained then lost over and over.....grrrr

    Lesley xx

    1. To be fair, I've spent the last year watching the scales creep upwards so it will take me a while to get back to where I was...

  3. Well done, 10lbs in 3 weeks is blooming fantastic x

  4. Keeping on keeping on is sometimes the very most you can do. Having said that, 10lbs is pretty damn stellar (seren, stellar geddit?) - does it mean you can claim your bottle of fizz from D?


    1. Sadly no; I have to hit the stone mark to get the fizz. But give me a couple of weeks and I'll be there!

  5. You are an absolute star - WELL DONE!!! xxxx
