
Thursday 26 April 2012

Mid week check in

Two and a half days in to this slightly curtailed week and I am rocking it (as the kidz say. At least they might do - at thirty one I don't really know; I eschewed Radio 1 for Radio 2 a good while ago).

Anyway, after a tough day on Tuesday getting back into the swing of things, things have become easier - as they always do. I'm feeling positive, strong and happy, sticking to points and meal plans. A loss on Monday would be nice but it sometimes takes time to get things moving so we'll see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend - try to be good, and if you're going to be bad then for goodness sake do it properly!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good work lady, it's always a good feeling when you get back into the swing of things. Fingers crossed for Monday x

  2. Well done on getting your mojo back (as I'm certain the kids do NOT say!) Fingers crossed for the weekend and the WI.

    Btw, your crossed fingers worked as I did win the golf!!

    Lesley x

  3. Good for you and I hope SoD is taking notice of your dedication.

    No badness here....

