
Monday 2 April 2012

2012 Quarter 1 - Review

It's hard to believe that we are one quarter of the way through 2012. Well, it is for me, but then I am perpetually surprised to discover that it is no longer 1996 and that Robbie has returned to Take That and left again.

Time for a progress review I think and time, too, to look back at the resolutions I made in January. Or was it December? See, perpetually confused.

Firstly - what was the news from the scales this morning? Well, a (nearly) booze free week and three gym trips paid obviously paid dividends as I tracked a four pound loss. That means last week’s gain is knocked squarely on the head and an extra two and a half pounds come off for good measure. It also means that I have achieved my aim to lose a stone and a half for Easter. Cue an excited little jig.

Looking back at my results since January (all of which are tracked on a spreadsheet – of course I’m that sad!) I see I’m averaging a loss of 1.7 lbs a week, which is just where it should be.

I wish I could understand why it is that I’ve managed to make such steady, consistent progress over these last three months, unprecedented in the history of this blog. Certainly, the fact that there has been no particular pressure on me seems to be a good thing, so I shall continue with my policy of little or no goal setting. I’ve also, looking back, noticed that I’ve never before actually regularly quantified my gains or losses on here – so I’m going to keep up with that as the accountability obviously helps.

What else? Well, meal planning – that needs to be continued. Although there is no meal planning post today (one or both of us is out most evenings this week) I’ve done this most weeks and that structure has made it a lot easier to keep away from the takeaway menus. What’s fascinating as well is the variety of food that we have been eating – there aren’t many meals have been served twice in 2012.

My gym attendance is still not quite where it could be, but at least I am attending. I’m getting to the stage now where my overall fitness is reasonable enough that I’m thinking about going back to one or two of the classes that I used to enjoy on a regular basis. I’ll never love exercise – and, to be honest, I think I could lose the weight with WW alone, but there is no question that it does give one a virtuous glow.

Overall, sterling work across January, February and March. Not perfect – but then I’ve stopped requiring perfection of myself and it seems to make life a hell of a lot easier! Roll on quarter two…


  1. Brilliant achievement, well done. Don't tell me we are 1/4 way through the year... that scares me somewhat!

    I think I need to get more into the habit of planning the week instead of winging it. I might be a bit more consistent if I do!


  2. Good work missus! My husband would love you - he is OBSESSED with spreadsheets! He has one for everything.

  3. Well done with the weightloss! I love the spreadsheet too :)

  4. That's fantastic, well done you.


  5. Thank you for your lovely comment on my last post - it gave me a lovely lift this morning!

    Your loss this year is just brilliant so I'm sure you are pretty fit and glowing too, especially with all those gym visits. How about outdoor exercising?? I find it exercises the soul as well as the body.

    I'm not one for spreadsheets - I can't even do them for work so trying at home would freak me out. But I like the idea of seeing what is going on - perhaps I should persist after all?!

    Anyway, I'm waffling now - so I'll just say "WELL DONE!!" and get on with staring out the window at the snow...

    Lesley x

  6. I swear it's still 1996 and I'm running around pretending to be Posh Spice (I wish).

    Well done on the weight loss :) xxx
