
Tuesday 27 March 2012

So what’s new with you?

Or, the Foodie tries so you don’t have to…

So, firstly, let’s talk chocolate cheese. Cadburys Philadelphia Light. This particular product has the Weight Watchers messageboards aflame (in so far as an internet messageboard can ever said to be aflame…) and, frankly, with good reason. If you like chocolate cheesecake then it is very important that you try some of this glorious stuff soon. The mini pots, or a 30g serving from a fullsize pot, are 2 pro points. You can smear it on toast, or cake, or biscuits, or fruit, or just eat it with a spoon. Luscious.

Image from The Grocer website.  May provoke attempts to break through computer screen with a spoon.
 And next up on my product review list is an epic fail. Lurpak Lightest. I bought it out of interest because I like Lurpak and think the Lighter version is a pretty good ingredient to have in one’s fridge for cooking purposes (as opposed to smearing purposes – if you’re having butter on toast or crumpets etc. then it needs to be the proper stuff.) The Lightest is obviously a step too far. I had to melt it for use in a banana loaf – it looked like scary alien mucus and refused to cream properly with the sugar. I then (foolishly) attempted to use it as the basis for a white sauce. Terrible. I have never before had to sieve a white sauce, but the roux just would not cook out properly. And, it doesn’t taste nice. It may be low in points (1 pro point per 10g serving) but that is all that can be said for it.


  1. Love the Choc Philadelphia. I have stolen my daughters animal biscuits and dip them in which is yummy!

    I'll give the Lurpak a miss.

    1. Animal biscuits?? That's a genius idea! I didn't even know they still made them!

      But yes, the Lurpak is one to avoid.

  2. Oooh. I've just posted about chocolate Philadelphia too. Yum.

    Was thinking of trying Lurpak lightest. May give it a swerve now! Thanks :)


  3. I'm sure I would love it as I really loved it when Tesco did chocolate mascarpone one Christmas. A little too much actually.... But it flouts the no sugar, no additives rule, sigh. I suspect it would set off massive cravings in me too.

