
Wednesday 1 February 2012

January round up

Greeting from the wilds of Lincolnshire!  And what a beautiful day it is too. 

Hard to believe that the first month of the year is already behind us.  How was it for you?  January chez moi was rather quiet which actually worked out quite well as I was able to get my 2012 off to a healthy and relaxed start; I'm 9lbs lighter now then I was at the beginning of the year after another stellar (albeit rather unexpected) loss last week.

As someone who has been dieting on and off for most of their adult life, with varying degrees of success, I am very wary of ever saying "This time is different."  So I won't.  What I will say is that I feel extraordinarily relaxed.  I think it's partly the fact that I'm not working towards a deadline (I WILL lose two stone by the summer / my wedding / my 30th birthday).  And partly down to the fact as I get older I stop demanding 100% perfection from myself - one, two, three, a thousand slip ups - it's all good as long as you pick yourself up afterwards and continue forward with a cheerful step.

I think it also helps that we've eaten very well this month.  I promise to share with you in very short order D's fantastic chunky pea and ham soup and also the delicious leek fritters that he made last Friday which came served with the brightest of green sauces.  We had a belated Burns night supper at the weekend, which was lovely, and discovered that leftover haggis makes a fantastic toastie filling if chopped up and moistened with a touch of mayonnaise.  I've rediscovered the joy of mackerel and made a mental note to have it on the shopping list more regularly.  I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've bought lunch rather than making use of my cute little lunch bag.  And my wasabi pea addiction continues to rage, checked only by the fact I can't always get to M&S.

Here's to a fantastic February for us all.


  1. Hmm, I wonder if I'm allowed wasabi peas - any sugar in them? I might head up to M&S to check it out.

    I love leeks! No batter for me sadly though.

    9lbs is IMMENSE - well done. I managed a pitiful 2.5lbs so I am in awe of your achievement.


  2. Oh wow - amazing loss and eating such yummy food too. I am at the opposite end of the spectrum in that I seem to have put those 9lbs on.

    Look forward to the recipes - they sounds amazing!


  3. Bloody hell mate! 9lbs is amazing - especially with all that scrummy sounding food involved! Time to get off my arse and eat better me thinks! xx
